I laughed and said, "I can't quite imagine Miss Cindy ever wearing an apron Miss, even in a show! But then again, I. ..ahh.. .I guess I never thought I'd be in one, either.


Debbie laughed and said, "Sometimes it can be a strange world, Cissie. I guess you never know what might happen, do you? I'd never even heard of a male maid before I met you, Cissie. But once I saw you in action, I thought, 'why not have a man as a maid'. I mean he'd have to be effeminate and sissy like you or I might feel threatened. Anyway, you certainly seem to be working out beautifully for Cindy."

Miss Debbie moved closer, running her hand along my sheer, back-seamed stockings all the way up my thigh.

"I'm glad Cindy has you in a short uniform tonight, Cissie it would be a shame to hide your pretty legs.'


"Thank you, M-miss," I stuttered, blushing in response to both Miss Debbie's words and her warm, soft hand roaming freely under my skirts!

"I just wanted to come in and compliment you, Cissie. You really are the best maid I've ever seen, despite your gender!" Miss Debbie said as her elegant, manicured hand continued up my leg and caressed my bottom briefly through my snug-fitting satin panties.

"You turn even a casual girl's night out into something elegant and fun, Cissie," Debbie said, her breath warm on my neck.


"T-thank you, Miss-I g-guess, I stammered as I noticed a splash of sudsy dishwater dribbling harmlessly down my apron. I was surprised and nervous as Miss Debbie slid her finger under the tight elastic of my panties and snapped them against my bottom!

"Nice panties!" she sniggered. Fortunately, she took her hand out from under my skirts once she'd snapped my panties.

It was always disconcerting when one of Miss Cindy's pretty girlfriends brought up my true gender. I was getting used to "hiding out" in my maid's uniform, actually pretending I really was a rich model's hired girl instead of a sissy. It was certainly less distressing to think that way. It was also less confusing. I was so confused about my life and feelings that I sought shelter from them anyway I could. And seeing myself as a girl seemed to help a little.

I stood at the sink blushing and trying to concentrate on my work. Miss Debbie's perfume and warm, close body were a little hard to ignore.


"Do you like being Cindy's little servant?" Miss Debbie asked me suddenly with a serious tone in her voice. "I mean, half the models in New York know she has a male maid; it's not like it's a big secret anymore. She's always telling make-up girls and the other models stuff like, 'Cissie's washing out my lingerie for me today. I hope he isn't stretching it out.'


I reddened at her insinuation that I was sneaking into Cindy's underwear. . .I wasn't sneaking.

Debbie continued, "Anyway, at first they thought it was some kind of joke or something. She finally got mad that they didn't believe her and had Susan and I tell them it was true. They always ask about you now, Cissie!"

"I d-didn't know anybody really knew, Miss Debbie. I-I don't know; . . .ah . . .I guess it's O.K."

"Well, everybody thinks it's just great, Cissie. We think male maids could be the greatest development since Lycra! Most models aren't very domestic, Cissie, so it would be nice to have someone to do that kind of stuff for us."

She bit into her chocolate and reflected, "I mean, we don't think all men should be maids; some of them should be lovers, too. But we get so many wimpy guys who hang around us at the studios . . . why shouldn't they do stuff for us. Most of them would probably like being our servants.


She continued, "Maybe you're just the first in a new class of servants, Cissie. Cindy's success with you has made it fashionable to have a sissy maid. One of the other girls has some guy who's nuts about her do all her housework, but no one else has a real servant maid like you at least so far, that is."

I nervously told her I thought it was "O.K." being Cindy's maid, trying to sound casual about my very unusual situation.

"Well, I'll leave you to your work now, Cissie," Debbie said as she patted my bottom and quickly sashayed out of the kitchen, leaving me standing there in shock.

I stood at the sink for a long moment, stunned. I didn't have any idea that Cindy had been so public about our special "situation." I knew a few people knew, but I thought it was mostly a secret. "Too late now," I thought with considerable resignation and embarrassment, wondering if there was anything I could do about it.